To encourage Young Scientists, The International Science Community Association has started International Young Scientist Congress with a number of awards in different disciplines. These awards carry a Sliver Medal besides a Certificate of Merit.
- Kindly mention the name of section on top of the abstract or full length research paper.
- The participant should give an undertaking that the paper being submitted has not been published in any journal or presented in any other Conference / Seminar / Symposium or submitted for consideration of any award.
- The papers submitted will be subjected to verification for authenticity. Plagiarism shall lead to cancellation of award.
- The full length research papers once submitted/accepted for the above award cannot be retrieved.
- The participants below 40 years of age are eligible for Young Scientist Award.
- All research paper presentations will be in the form of posters.
- Poster presentations will be evaluated by the experts and the selected Young Scientists posters (10% or minimum 3) in each section will be invited to orally present (PPT) their papers on second day that is on 9th May 2024.
- The oral and poster markings will be added and finally the young scientist awardee will be selected.
- Young Scientist can present only one paper in any one Section (and no second paper will be permitted in the same or any other topic in any other section).
- The final selection for the Awards will be made by a duly constituted committee and the awards will be given during the valedictory ceremony.
- Delegates can present paper (Oral/Poster) or participate in the conference and workshop.
- Participation will not be consider for Young Scientist Award.